About me

Hi! My name is Peter, and I love building things on the web!

I love that web development offers the opportunity to see tangible results from my efforts. It also offers the potential to positively impact billions of people just by being part of the internet. Awesome!

As a front-end developer, I am focused on using modern tooling to create performant, maintainable, and accessible web experiences with HTML and Javascript. Those experiences become beautiful with the shine of carefully crafted CSS and the aesthetic of modern design principles. Although my current focus is on frontend development, I do believe there is value in understanding the whole stack.

Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

While working as a support technician in the hosting industry my first role was to keep other people’s web projects running and available online. In supporting a wide variety of technologies at the data center, I have cultivated a fine appreciation for all the hard work that goes into delivering web services across thousands of miles in a matter of milliseconds. In more recent years I’ve had the opportunity to focus on web development in a professional context, and I’ve found the creative process of web development to be very rewarding.

Want to know more?

Some of my Past Work

• inPowerSuite® member dashboard using jQuery, Bootstrap, SwiperJS, and Font Awesome
• Responsible for CSS, Javascript, and working with database developers to construct appropriate markup using inPowerSuite's database driven layout engine

• inPowerSuite® dashboard included many reporting and utility pages
• Responsible for CSS, Javascript, and working with database developers to construct appropriate markup using inPowerSuite's database driven layout engine. Made use of Google Charts and various jQuery plugins

• inPowerSuite® includes a full e-Commerce Storefront, supporting mobile and desktop
• Responsible for CSS, Javascript, and working with database developers to construct appropriate markup using inPowerSuite's database driven layout engine.

• inPowerSuite® integrates with social media networks to allow site members to share their favorite products for points toward a reward system
• Responsible for CSS, Javascript, and working with database developers to construct appropriate markup using inPowerSuite's database driven layout engine.

• inPowerSuite® allows members to create personal websites with their favorite featured products
• Responsible for CSS, Javascript, and modified the existing PHP template to accommodate extra data fields as well as a new HTML5 layout. Made use of SwiperJS for navigating between site pages in the template shown.

• inPowerSuite® features a Party Plan Management System
• Responsible for revamping the CSS, adjusting Javascript, and adding a new Statement section

• inPowerSuite® features a point-of-sale module with allows connecting any computer to scanners and receipt printers
• Responsible for revamping CSS and adding Font Awesome icons

• inPowerSuite® Executive Dashboard allows displaying a variety of sales related stats
• Responsible for CSS and Javascript. Made use of jQuery, Google Charts, and JSON responses from database

• inPowerSuite® Web Analytics Dashboard allows displaying a variety of web analytics related stats
• Responsible for CSS and Javascript. Made use of jQuery, Google Charts, and JSON responses from database

• inPowerSuite® is tailored for MLM companies and features genealogy management reports
• Responsible for modifying existing CSS, Javascript, and creating new icons and legend

• Alterascape.com featured integration with Ubersmith ticketing system to allow placement of new orders and managing support tickets, and integration with ProvideSupport for real-time chat with NOC support techs
• Responsible for modifying existing CSS and HTML, and integrating Ubersmith, Hostbill, and ProvideSupport chat
• Also served as Lead NOC Tech and NOC Manager to provide 24/7 data center support

About this site

This blog started its life as a starter template created by Kendall Strautman using Forestry & Gatsby

To use Kendall's starter template on your own site, import the brevifolia template on Forestry.io or checkout the repository here.